This article was published in November 2008. Please see News & Campaigns for more recent information.

Litter Picking

The Parish Council are desperately seeking volunteers for litter picking particularly in Edlesborough. If anyone has the odd half an hour or so a couple of times a week to tidy up The Green and empty the littler bins please contact the Clerk. Needless to say if the public were to use the litter bins provided, or to take their rubbish home to put in their own litter bins, this request would not be necessary.


The initial funding request for additional play equipment throughout the Parish has unfortunately not been forthcoming but other avenues are being explored.

Street lighting repairs

Various streetlights require urgent repair and the Contractors have been chased on numerous occasions to urgently get the lights working again The Parish Council are doing all they can to rectify the situation.


Allotment rents have now been collected and any vacant plots will be offered to those on the waiting list. There are several extremely overgrown plots both at Cow Lane and Dagnall and anyone wishing to take on one of these plots, which will require complete re-cultivation, will be able to do so free of charge for 2 years.

Edlesborough Church Bridleway

A Dog Bin has been installed at Edlesborough Church end of the bridleway and it is hoped that dog owners will make use of it. To install a Dog Bin costs the Parish Council £220.00 plus the cost of having it emptied twice a week during the summer months and once a week during winter months and the Parish Council would stress again the need for these bins to be utilised for dog fouling which is constantly being left on the verges and particularly over The Green. If dog fouling is not picked up the dog owner could face a find of up to £1,000.00.

Cemetery Access

Further meetings are taking place to discuss a possible alternative suggestion for an access route.

Dagnall Allotments

The Parish Council have agreed to purchase 2 cups to be awarded annually at the Dagnall Produce Show, one for Best in Show and one for the Best Kept Allotment throughout the Parish.

The Green, Edlesborough

As of Wednesday morning 15th October the grass cutting of The Green was stopped by the Clerk due to the fact that the grass was being cut far too low and damaging the surface. The Parish Council wish to apologise to the parishioners and sports clubs for this incident and trust that the grass will continue to grow for a while to bring The Green back to it’s normal condition.

Contact Information


Clerk to Edlesborough Parish Council: Penny Pataky, 01525 229 358 or email: [email protected]
Please note office hours are Monday-Friday 10.30am-2.30pm. Messages may be left on an answer phone outside of these hours.